golf up and down chipping
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The “Up and Down” Chipping and Putting Drill

  This game is helpful to simulate real-life circumstances with both your chipping and your putting. You can play this game by yourself, but I believe it is better if you find others to play against and simulate competition. All you’ll…
golf putting drills
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Putting Challenge – Pull Back and Safety Pull Back

This is a great putting game that will not only help you with your putting but also can make your practice more interesting and enjoyable. You can play this game by yourself, or better yet, find some people on the putting green to play against. Pull…
golf ladder putting drill
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The Ladder Putting Challenge

This is a fun putting game to help you with your short and medium-range putts, and can also be played competitively with friends. To set up this drill, you’ll need 6 to 10 golf tees and each player will need one golf ball. Most normal length…
golf putting drill four stations
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The Four Station Putting Drill

The four station drill is a great way to help you with your shorter length putts of 3, 4, and 5 feet. This drill not only helps you work on your putting stroke, but does well to simulate pressure situations, different angles and slopes, and…
golf alignment putting drill
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The Chalk Line Putting Drill

Precision and aim are so crucial with putting. Often times, where we think we are aiming is in fact not even close to where we are actually aiming. This drill is designed to help you consistently set the putter face squarely to your intended…
golf swing drills

Golf Swing Swaying Check Drill

  This drill is designed to help people who have excess motion or lateral weight shift in their golf swing. The goal is to have your weight shift slightly from the inside of your right leg to the inside of your left leg, but never shifting…
golf swing walk through drill

The “Walk-Through” Golf Swing Drill

This drill is intended to help players who have a hard time shifting their weight targetward in the downswing, and for those who have trouble with what we call a reverse pivot. A reverse pivot is when a player shifts their weight in the opposite…
slow motion golf swing

Slow Motion Golf Swing Drill

  This drill is intended to help you feel the positions of your golf swing, and also to test your ability to maintain control and to vary the speed and timing of your golf swing. The drill is very simple. Set up with whatever club…
golf swing plane dowel drill

The Golf Swing Plane Dowel Drill

  This drill is intended to help players who tend to slice the ball or come over the top. You can hit full shots with this drill, but I would suggest starting with very small swings and progressing to larger swings slowly. Start by…
swing plane drills

The Golf Swing Plane Rehearsal Drill

This drill is done in slow motion either at home or on the range, allowing you to feel the proper plane and path of the golf swing. Start by establishing a fixed position where the ball will sit, perhaps on a tee or a mark on the ground. Establish…
golf swing alignment aides
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Golf Swing – Alignment Check

Checking your alignment is crucial for players of all levels of experience. Beginners and tour players alike are well served in checking their alignment regularly and ensuring that their body is set up correctly. Over time, if left unchecked,…
golf swing L to L drill
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Golf’s “L to L” Swing Drill

The L to L drill is an expansion of the 9:00 swing drill. It’s intended to help you feel the proper hinging of your wrists and positions of the club in a half length swing. It’s important that you become familiar with the correct 9:00 position…
golf swing 900 drill
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The 9:00 Golf Swing Drill

Use this drill if you are a beginner learning the golf swing, or if you are employing a new grip, stance or set up position. The idea is that this is a miniature golf swing, focusing on the area through the hitting zone, that matters the most…
golf shot angle of attack
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Golf Swing – Angle of Attack

  When we mention the term angle of attack, what we’re looking at is the direction from which the club head is approaching impact with the ball. This is how the club will influence where the ball will travel. First, if we take a…
golf swing finish position
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Golf Swing – Learn from Your Finish Position

Consider our finish position an opportunity for us to immediately gain the most critical feedback about each golf swing we make. I advise you not to neglect this opportunity if you want to improve your game most expeditiously. The goal of a…
golf swing staying on plane
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Golf Swing – Staying on Plane

The golf swing from a frontal view looks like a circle or perhaps an oval if we account for the shifting of our weight in the downswing. When we look at a swing from down the line, imagine a plane going diagonally up from the ball through our…
golf swing alignment
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Golf Swing Aim and Alignment

Alignment is the concept of addressing the golf ball with your body and club face directed precisely at the intended target. If consistent results are expected, then a consistent alignment is necessary. Otherwise, if a player’s alignment changes…
setting up to a golf shot
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Setting Up for the Golf Swing – Ball Position

When we talk about ball position, imagine a straight line drawn perpendicular to the target line, from the ball to your feet. Take notice where the ball is located relative to where you are standing. A forward ball position is when the ball…
golf swing stance and posture
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Golf Swing Stance and Posture

  Posture is an important and often overlooked fundamental in the game of golf. Contrary to what most non-golfers might believe, we are making a very athletic motion. It’s important to prepare yourself in terms of balance and stance…
gripping the golf club
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Gripping a Golf Club Correctly

  To me, a proper grip is one of the most important factors when developing a repeatable and reliable golf game. Directionally speaking, I define an effective grip as one that will return the club face back to its starting position,…