Take Better Photos with your Phone – Tips from Golf Photographer Cy Cyr (Ep.11)
Cy Cyr has arguably become one of the world's top golf photographers...and we've know each other since we were 5 living in Maine. I wanted to know how I can be taking better pictures with my phone...and he didn't disappoint. Cy's been in the room with everyone in golf - Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Nick Faldo, Rory McIlroy...you get the idea. He shoots for Golf Channel, Golf Digest and others...so he knows his stuff.

Do You Fear Those Half Wedge Shots? Don’t. (Ep.10)
This wedge play technique changed my golf life. I was able to turn an absolute fear of 30, 50, 60 yard wedge shots into a strength of my game. These shots require a special approach that brings distance control and consistent impact with the golf ball every time. I'm super passionate about this part of the game, and I think this lesson is one that's going to help every single player out there.

Getting Your Kids Into Golf – Chat with National PGA Award Winner Brendon Elliott (Ep.9)
Anyone looking to get their kids into golf, this episode is for you. We're talking with Brendon R. Elliott, PGA founder of Little Linksters Association for Junior Golf in Central Florida.
Brendon is the National PGA Award winner for Junior Golf Development in 2017...out of 28,000 professionals, he's the man when it comes to kids learning how to play golf.

Improve Chipping & Pitching Without Any Practice – Troughs and Hills Matter (Ep.8)
I learned this concept from the great Dave Pelz - Better shot selection in terms of where you’re choosing to land the ball will improve your chances of success. Always try to land pitch shots into troughs and avoid hills...here's why.

How far do I stand from the golf ball at setup? (Ep.7)
Probably the most common question that I haven't gotten to yet. Here's an easy way to think about your golf swing setup and how far from the ball you should be standing. It's super important to nail this down every time if you're going to be consistent.

Weekly Practice Blueprint – Full Swing, Wedges and Putting Drills (Ep.6)
Here's your hour of practice time broken down into drills and an approach that I think will be super helpful for your game. We're mixing it up with the full swing, starting in on calibrating wedge distances, and giving you some putting challenges to keep things interesting.

Pounding Driver 101 – A Simple Beginner’s Checklist for the LONG BALL (Ep.5)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here's what you need to know about driving the ball like a champ. There are some tendencies that we all fall into that'll sabotage our chances for success. An easy pre-swing checklist usually does the trick.

Save Money on Lessons – Learn to Read Your Shots & Fix Yourself (Ep.4)
Physics don't lie. The ball goes where it goes for a reason. In this episode, we're reverse engineering impact and how the ball behaves. Where does it start? Is is curving? Are your misses mostly right or left? What do your divots look like? It all tells a story...and once you know how to read, you'll be armed to fix yourself and improve faster.

Quick Win for Slicers – Deep Dive into Controlling the Clubface at Impact (Ep.3)
There are only 2 factors that determine the direction that the golf ball flies - swing path and club face angle. For most full shots, where the club face is "looking" is by far the most important. So, how do you better control the face, and by rule, the direction that the ball travels? Get ready for an easily deployed deep dive into your hand placement on the club.

Golf’s 15-Year “Land Grab” – Why Millennials & Gen-Xers Need to Tee It Up (Ep.2)
If you're thinking of about playing golf, or investing some energy into getting better...especially as a 20 or 30-something, I'm gonna try to convince you. There's a one-time opportunity to tap into golf largest of all time attention "land grab". 60% of golfers are baby boomers who are wrapping up their careers or running companies...golf is your chance to get into the room with them.

Golf Essentials – Daily Insights for Weekend Warriors (Ep.1)
Golf Essentials is Casey Bourque's way of meeting you where you are with a "tell it like it is" methodology for feeling better about playing golf - answering all your questions, live Q&A sessions, practice planning, drills, tips, and insights to make the best use of the limited time you have at the course. Casey explains the approach and principles that took him from a small town in Maine to playing in the US Open Championship.