Ball Position: Why It Matters and How to Be Consistent (Ep.72)
I get a lot of questions about ball position.
Why is it important? Where do I put the ball for the different clubs in my bag? How do I know if I’m doing it right?

Improvement 101 – Own the Fact that You Can’t Get Around Putting in the Work (Ep.71)
I believe that casual golfers don’t need to spend money on golf lessons...or at least they shouldn't have to spend money on lessons.

Why Fearing the Opinions of Others is Sabotaging Your Golf Game (Ep.70)
I’ve heard a few times from my audience that they feel that my stuff is too advanced for them or that they aren’t good enough to benefit.

Why Beginners & Casual Golfers Should Never Have to Pay for Golf Lessons (Ep.69)
After 2 months of running this podcast, I've figured out the tie that binds all my messaging together:
Free Golf Lessons for All Beginners and Casual Golfers

Testing Some New Equipment at the PGA Show (Ep.68)
Spent that last couple days running around the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando. I had the chance to test out all the new clubs and equipment on the ma

Hey Northerners – Are you Putting in the Work? (Ep.67)
If you're not practicing don't complain about not getting better. When I was in high school, I used to hit balls in to a net every day, and head to the beach because that was the only place without snow.

Golf Equipment Primer – My Two Cents on Choosing New Sticks (Ep.66)
It’s that time of year when lots of people start thinking about building their set for the spring. This episode is about my thoughts on some basics to go with if you’re a relative beginner grabbing some new clubs.

Sports Injury Prevention & Recovery with Craig Kotilinek (Ep.65)
Flashback to a chat I had with videographer Craig Kotilinek last week about his sports injuries and some remedies that have worked well.

The Shanks – A Cure for That Enjoyment-Sucking Death Spiral (Ep.64)
The shanks can come out of nowhere. They’re super scary and often paralyze golfers and suck the enjoyment out of the game.
The big problem is when they get into your head and you feel things spiraling out of control.

Prep for the PGA Show in Orlando Next Week & Launching KPI Golf (Ep.63)
Heading to the PGA Show next week. So much to do in preparation for announcing KPI Golf Management to the world.
We’re going to be super busy next week meeting with vendors and solidifying contractual relationships.

Yup, The Yips Exist in Other Sports – Like Tennis (Ep.62)
Sidechannel conversation with my good friend and master videographer Craig Kotilinek. Craig's day job is running CSK Creative, a videography and design agency here in Orlando.

International Jr. Golf Swing Contest – Judged by Jack Nicklaus, Francesco Molinari, Lauren Thompson (Ep.61)
Brendon Elliott, PGA Member shares the details on his global junior golf swing contest. The panel of judges is incredible - Jack Nicklaus, Lauren Thompson, Francesco Molinari to name a few.

KPI Golf on Underperforming Golf Courses & Their Options (Ep.60)
John Brown discusses the options that struggling and underperforming golf courses have. The first big misconception is that professional advice and exploratory conversations only come with hard sales pitches for club management contracts. This isn't the case at all.

2 Simple Pre-Swing Tips to Get Out of a Golf Slump – or Winter Hiatus (Ep.59)
Without good setup and alignment, your swing is doomed. Don't get it mixed up. The quickest wins are in your setup and stance - nothing to do with your swing. Most people focus on "in-swing" faults and ignore the "pre-swing". I do the opposite.

Tips For Shooting Great Video With What You’ve Got – CSK Creative’s Craig Kotilinek (Ep.58)
I've known Craig for 8 or 9 years now here in Orlando. He's an extremely talented and accomplished videographer and business operator. CSK Creative is a video production agency boasting clients like Golf Digest, Mercedes, The US Coast Guard, Total Wine and Wakeboarding Magazine.

The Good, Bad and the Ugly of Golf Course Ownership (Ep.57)
KPI Golf Management owner and business partner John Brown Jr. shares some stories of over 45 years in the golf course ownership and management business.
It's not always sunshine and lollipops in the golf business!

Guys Trips, A Car Accident & A Simple Swing Key That Worked for Me (Ep.55)
Well, last night was the first car accident ever. Fortunately nobody was hurt, but a close call nevertheless. A REALLY close call...and a lesson for all of you on guy golf trips.

Charlie Rymer Talking Golf, Television, PGA Tour & Myrtle Beach (Ep.54)
Many don't realize (myself included) how great a player that Charlie was in his early days. He's still competing occasionally on PGA Tour Champions as well.
After Q-School one year, he ran into his good friend Gary McCord who told him he should get into television:

Country Club Pitfalls: Golf Management Deals Too Good to Be True (Ep.53)
Country clubs bringing in outside management do so in one of two major ways:
1. They recognize they need help and expertise to help them move forward optimally.
2. A firm offers to inject some capital over time in exchange for ownership stake in the club (equity vs. non-equity).

Dominate the Springtime – Winter Drills for Putting, Chipping & Full Swing (Ep.52)
These 3 wintertime exercises helped me big time coming out of the gates in the spring back when I was in high school. I worked on my putting, chipping and full swing while our family was watching TV...and I won the Maine State Amateur that spring.