Golf Rule 4: The Player’s Golf Equipment
Rule #2 is all about your equipment...everything you're using to play golf. The equipment that a golfer can use during a round of golf is regulated by the Rules of Golf. The purpose of these regulations is to maintain the spirit of the game

Golf Rule 1: The Game, Player Conduct and the Rules
Golf Rule 1 covers the overall conduct of the game and the behavior of the players. It sets out the guidelines for fair play and sportsmanship, and emphasizes the importance of respecting the rules of the game

Easy Tips for Longer Drives
Some things to help you pick up that much needed distance you're craving!

Tee Your Driver This High
Such a common question among beginners and average players...how high should I tee the ball up?

How to Play Golf – The Basics
Get started with some core fundamentals.

How to play Banker – Golf $ Games
Do you want to get better, faster? This is the game that you HAVE to play with your group!

How to Play Dots – A Fun Game for Your Foursome
Learn how to play the golf game called dots or as some call it, garbage.

How to Hit Fairway Woods Pure
Great tips for probably the hardest shots in golf for average players - fairway woods off the deck!

Five Things Every Golfer Should Have In Their Bag
Tour pros chime in on common amateur equipment mistakes while Rick Young recommends basic gear needs for every golfer.

Chipping Made Simple
Chipping Made Simple This weeks impact show features PGA Tour coach and short game specialist James Ridyard.

Top 3 Golf Chipping Tips
3 Basic tips to help you chip better around the green.

Chipping vs Pitching
Chipping Vs Pitching: What is the difference between chipping and pitching?

Which Club Should I Use for Chipping?
Is there a best club for chipping? Pitching wedge, eight-iron, lob wedge etc... here are some variances & pros/cons to using a lower iron vs. lofted wedges w...

Phil Mickelson: Chipping 101
Short game legend Phil Mickelson demonstrates the three basic keys of how to hit more consistent chip shots.

How to Play a Greenside Bunker Shot
Chris Ryan takes a look at how to play a greenside bunker shot

Sand Wedge Design and Bunker Strategy
Let's talk about sand wedge design and how it can help you with your bunker play. The thing we need to notice about a sand wedge, and its unique to all your other clubs, is called bounce.
If I look at the sand wedge end on so this way…

Intentional Hooks and Slices

Adjust Grip to Hit it Straight