5 Crash Courses To Get You Started In Golf – FREE
10+ Hours of Step-by-Step Instruction, Quizzes, Practice & Encouragement
10+ Hours of Step-by-Step Instruction, Quizzes, Practice & Encouragement
I understand that golf can be very intimidating when you’re starting out. This online series is designed for absolute beginners.
I’m talking about players who have never been on a golf course before. You might be nervous about all the rules and maybe you feel like you’re going to be embarrassed right?
Well, I’m offering to help you out for free. My mission with this online series is to help you feel comfortable at the golf course, and never embarrassed. I’ll show you some tips about how to play golf in any group…whether with your buddies or your boss.
Of course, we’re going to cover the fundamentals you need. You’ll learn about equipment and the clubs you are using. I’ll show you some shortcuts on how to practice and improve more quickly. I’ll teach you how to hold the golf club properly, how to stand, aim, and swing the club.
Each course should take 1 -2 hours of your time. You’ll see articles that I’ve written, videos, drills, and small skills tests to make sure you’re progressing.
Imagine…in just a few weeks, you’ll know what to do, where to go, which equipment to use, how to practice, and the beginnings of some technical understanding. That’s when golf becomes a ton of fun!
Fill the form out and get started immediately. Pass these courses and I promise that you’ll feel great and ready to play some golf.
Casey Bourque, PGA
About-Golf.org | PGAGolfDay.com
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